Toyota Air Filters

Toyota Air Filter Services Atlantic Toyota of Long Island


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About Cabin Air Filters

Most cars and trucks today have Cabin Air Filters. These are flat, paper-like filters that remove particulate matter (like dust and pollen) from the outside air before it is drawn into the passenger cabin. This may not seem like a major thing to some people, but for those that suffer from asthma and allergies, cabin air filters can be a godsend.

Like any filter, cabin air filters will get clogged over time and should be replaced. The question is when. Well, most automotive manufacturers suggest that you change your cabin air filter every 10,000 to 15,000 miles in “standard environments.”  If you drive in dusty environments, you may have to change your filter more often. Conversely, if you live where the air is usually brisk and clean, your air filter may last you thousands of miles more. So, there is some interpretation involved here. If you are not sure, check with our professional technicians here at Atlantic Toyota. They will quickly be able to determine whether or not the filter needs replacing. 

Air Filter Services

When it’s time to change your cabin air filter, a quick trip to your dealership service department is the easiest way is to go. Simply have your mechanic swap in a new one next time you are in for routine service. This will be quick because the mechanic will know exactly where the filter is and how to change it out.  They will also have the knowledge to know exactly which air filter should go in your specific vehicle.


If you elect to have your dealership, replace your filter, ask to see it before they toss it.  You might be surprised to see that stuff that it has caught.  It may have insects, leaves, dirt and all sorts of stuff attached to its surface.  If you see a lot of junk on the surface, you may want to replace it more often than the factory recommends.