Jul 21, 2019

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Everyone has their own idea of what makes a great bagel. Whether it’s crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside or soft and chewy all the way through, we each have our favorites. On Long Island, there are many different bagel shops and cafes that offer bagels. Here’s where to go for the best bagels around West Islip.

“Bagel” by Ruocaled, used under CC BY 2.0

Higbie Bagels

The kettle-cooked bagels at Higbie Bagels are fresh and delicious. The exterior has just the right amount of crunch and inside they are soft and chewy. You can get all your favorite types of bagels including plain, everything, pumpernickel, salt, sesame seed, whole wheat, egg, and French toast. For toppings, choose from a variety of cream cheese-like scallion and bacon, strawberry, sun-dried tomato basil, and maple walnut. Higbie Bagels was closed for a few years because it was, unfortunately, run into by a sports car, but it is back open now and better than ever.